Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pleasant Hill Intermediate School
                                           1204 E. 163rd Street                  
Pleasant Hill, MO  64080
                                            October 2012

Important Dates

10/3/12 - Picture Retakes

10/5/12 - Homecoming - 3 HR Early Release

10/12/12 - End of 1st Quarter

10/15-18/12 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

10/19/12 - No School

10/23/12 - IS/MS Choir Concert

11/9/12 - No School - Prof. Devel.

11/11/12 - Veteran’s Day

11/12-16/12 - Entertainment Card Fundraiser

11/13/12 - PTO-5th Grade Performance @ IS Gym

11/21-23/12 - No School - Thanksgiving Break


           5B TEAM NEWSLETTER  


Meet Me At The Pole


Purple day specials:
Murray- Music/PE
Gold day specials:
Haight:  Music/PE
Lucht:  PE/Music


Science-Social Studies--Mr. Haight, Ms. Love, Ms. Meyer
Science -
We will be studying organ systems such as the circulatory and respiratory systems for the next two weeks culminating in a test over chapters 2 and 3.

Social Studies -  
We will be researching a Native American tribe and creating a Google presentation on that tribe that we will present to our class.  Then we will be studying the explorers from Marco Polo to Spanish, French, Dutch, and English explorers.

Math--Mrs. Lucht, Ms. Love, Ms. Meyer
In math, we are adding and subtracting decimals.  We have completed some activities on adding decimals by creating a decimal puzzle using grid paper. We colored each piece a different color to visually see how to add decimals. We also created silly recipes showing food labels showing weights as a decimal.  We will be completing and testing on this unit next week.  We will also be completing a cumulative review.  Our next unit is multiplication and we will be investigating more than one strategy in double digit multiplication. My favorite strategy is lattice.  We will also look at distributive property.  On Fridays, we do learning centers and one station will be ipad math.  We will be working hard together to succeed at fifth grade math.
By October 12, the students need to have 5 Accelerated Math tests.  They can do practices at home online.  They may also come to math club on Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:25 a.m.  Homework club with Mrs. Meyer is Thursday night after school from 3:30-4:30 p.m. for extra help and they can do accelerated math then.  Thanks so much for your support.  Let me know any concerns.  The students do have homework at night and I appreciate your help.

Communication Arts--Mrs. Murray, Ms. Love, Ms. Meyer
We will be taking our common assessment the week of October 8-12.  Tentatively it will be on October 11.  Our students will be taking this on the clickers.  We get faster results with using the clickers and it motivates the students to use technology.  We will begin Unit 2 with our students the following week.  I am very pleased with the progress the students are making.  I am still accepting the students tree brochures.  With this being a project with both communication arts and computers, it does take a little bit longer with collaboration. It was a learning experience for all of us.  I will not deduct points for the students who have not turned them in.  I would like for the brochures to be handed in no later than Oct. 10 for grading on the first quarter grade card.  We will be reading the following selections for Unit 2:  Shiloh, Rattlers!, Maya Lin Architect of Memory, The Night of San Juan, and Black Cowboy Wild Horses A True Story.  Students will need to have access to a dictionary for Vocabulary Cartoons, which will be homework if they do not get these completed in class.  A school age appropriate website to use is .  Please feel free to contact us if there are any questions.  Thanks so much.  

Student Teacher- Mrs. Yount
Next week is my last week working in the Pleasant Hill School District as a student teacher. I have enjoyed all the children immensely. I am hopeful that when I have my own classroom of students, they are as wonderful as your children. They have taught me so much about myself as a teacher, and I hope they have also learned from me. I have been blessed to work with children that are excited about learning and are not afraid to share their ideas. Their thought processes amaze me daily and as parents you should be very proud. Since I live in Pleasant Hill and manage the Pleasant Hill Pool in the summertime, I am sure I will have other opportunities to engage with your children.  Thank you for sharing your children with me.

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