Monday, August 17, 2015

Pleasant Hill Intermediate School
                                               1204 E. 163rd Street                  
                                            Pleasant Hill, MO  64080
                                                      August 2015

Important Dates

August 24 - Picture Day

September 4 & 7 - No School

September 8 - Clubs Begin

September 17 - Mid-Terms

September 18 - 3 hour Early Release Day

September 25 - 3 hour Early Release Day

               5B TEAM NEWSLETTER


August 18, 2015                                                                                                        
Dear 5th graders and parents:
            Welcome to Team 5B!  It is our hope that you will find this team both fun and challenging while increasing your confidence in school.  We would like to welcome you to our classrooms!  We are Mrs. Joy Lucht, Ms. Rebecca Murray, Mrs. Dana DeMoure-Umscheid, Mrs. Melinda Armstrong, and Ms. Veronica Love.
Mrs. Lucht has taught in public school for 20 years, is married, and has 3 children and eight grandchildren.  She graduated from UCM with her masters.  Her hobbies include ceramics, reading and playing piano.  Ms. Murray will begin her 16th year and has a 10 year old son, Ryan and a 6 year old son, Geoffrey.  She is a 1995 Pleasant Hill graduate and enjoys the lake with her family on the weekends.  Mrs. DeMoure-Umscheid is excited to start her 2nd year of teaching with previous experience in education.  She is married, has a daughter, Alaina, who is 12 and a son, Maddux, 6.  She enjoys reading, visiting museums, and watching her family participate in The Highland Games.  Mrs. Armstrong has taught for 2 years.  She is married with 3 children, Brody (13), Haiden (11), and Lily (8).  Her hobbies include watching her children’s activities.  Ms. Love has taught for 26 years and has a 6 year old son, Brian.  She is a graduate of Avila University.  Her hobby is playing darts.
            We are all super excited about this school year.  We are easy to communicate with via email or phone.  Below you will find a list of emails and phone numbers for each of the teachers

Mrs. DeMoure-Umscheid
ext. 3503
Mrs. Lucht     ext. 3506
Ms. Murray   ext. 3504
Mrs. Armstrong   ext. 3501
Ms. Love  ext. 3502
            We will be creating a Facebook page soon!! We will have information posted on this.  Just a reminder, progress reports are emailed on the 1st and 15th of each month.
            We are eager to begin this school year on Tuesday.  We know how special your child is to you and to us, and we thank you for entrusting them into our care.  We believe that within every child there is a “Star Waiting to Shine”!  We will do our best to help each student shine brightly and grow throughout this school year.
Mrs. Lucht, Mrs. DeMoure-Umscheid, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Armstrong, and Ms. Love

Make sure your student is reading every night!!!  It is so important to their learning.  

Specials Schedule
Purple Day
DeMoure-Uscheid:     Music PE
Lucht:              PE          Music
Murray:                   Computer    Art

Gold Day
DeMoure-Uscheid: Computer Art
Lucht:               Art    Computer
Murray:               PE     Music

Daily Schedule
7:55-8:10 Arrive at school in the gym.  Students who eat breakfast go to    the cafeteria
8:10-8:20 Morning motivator- Pledge and announcements
8:20-8:25 Passing to our lockers
8:25-9:44 Core 1 (ELA, Math or Science/Social Studies)
9:44-10:22 Special 1
10:22-11:04 Special 2
11:06-11:29 LUNCH
11:30-11:50 RECESS
11:52-1:05 Core 2 (ELA, Math or Science/Social Studies)
1:07-2:20 Core 3 (ELA, Math or Scienc/Social Studies)
2:23-3:22 Rooster Reading
3:22 Bus Rider Dismissal
3:27 Car Rider Dismissal

Communication Arts--Mrs. Murray, Ms. Love, Ms. Armstrong
We are excited to start the new year with your student!! We will begin with Wonders this year.  It is a very interactive curriculum.  Students will have the opportunity to use this curriculum online at home.  We will be reading for homework every night.  Our current goal is to read at least 20 minutes a night and record this in their planner.  Students will have an opportunity to create book recommendation selfies when they finish their books.  They will also record finished books on their reading logs in their composition books.  We will have a great year with lots of new and exciting content.  Please don’t hesitate to come into the classroom.  

The letter below is from the Home Connect portion of Wonders!!

Dear Family Member: Welcome! This year your child will be building important reading skills. You can help your child practice reading skills taught at school. By working together, you and your child can become partners in learning. Each week your child will bring home: • A letter for you that describes what the class is working on that week. • A list of the week’s vocabulary words and spelling words. • A comprehension activity for you and your child to work on together. Reading is key to improving learning in all other subject areas. With that in mind, here are a few questions you may want to ask me when we meet: • How is my child progressing in reading? • Which area is my child’s strongest? Which is the weakest? • How can I help my child’s reading improve? Your interest, praise, and encouragement are sure to lead to your child’s success in school. Here’s to an exciting year of learning!

We look forward to seeing and working with you and your family.
Ms. Murray and Mrs. Armstrong

Math--Mrs. Lucht, Ms. Love, Ms. Armstrong
Dear Parents, Welcome to 5th Grade Math and Co-teachers Mrs. Lucht and Mrs. Armstrong.  We feel privileged to teach your child math content this year.  Your textbook, Go Math, is available online and is a great resource to help your child succeed at math this year. There will be other opportunities for your child to get extra support in math.  Math Club will be meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 7:25 a.m. We eat donuts and do math.  I would appreciate any parents who can help provide donuts. There will be other math teachers offering before and after school help.  We will share this information as soon as it is available.  October 30 will be Pumpkin Math where the students all bring a pumpkin and we do math activities with it for their math period.  Parents will be needed to help make this day be successful.  Let me know if you are available.  Your child’s assignments will be published online daily and will also be copied into their planners. These are great resources to know what your child did in math and what homework they will be doing.  Please feel free to call the school and talk to us about any questions or concerns.  We look forward to working with you for the year 2015, 2016. Sincerely, Mrs. Lucht and Mrs. Armstrong

Science-Social Studies--Mrs. DeMoure-Umscheid, Ms. Love, Ms. Armstrong
Science -
See Social Studies

Social Studies -
I am so excited to be teaching Science and Social Studies this year!  We will be dividing the year between Science and Social Studies by focusing on one subject at a time.  We will begin our year discovering where we are in the world by working with maps.  We will talk about why we need maps, how maps change, and how to read maps of the United States and the World.  Some of our time will be spent learning about how our building and our classroom works.  We will practice procedures and even learn a few lessons from the super heroes.  My goal for my students is to make history come alive by letting them experience it as much as possible instead of just reading about it.  I look forward to an exciting year of learning with my students!