Friday, November 15, 2013

Pleasant Hill Intermediate School
                                               1204 E. 163rd Street                  
                                            Pleasant Hill, MO  64080
                                                     November 2013

Important Dates

11/20/13 - Roving Chef

11/26/13- Lucht, Haight, Dyer and Murray Reader’s Theatres at 2:30.

11/27 - 12/2/13 - Thanksgiving Break

12/11/13 - Choir Performance @ Crown Center

12/17/13 - Band Performance @ PAC 6:30 pm

12/20/13 - 3 HR Early Release/Teacher P.D.

12/23/13 - 1/6/14 - Winter Break


Playing Shark Ball in P.E.

Communication Arts--Mrs. Murray, Ms. Love, Mrs. Dyer
This week we have been working on DARE essays in Communication arts.  We also started Unit 2:  Discoveries.  We will be reading an excerpt from Shiloh during Week 1 Unit 2.  The students will be focusing on the skill inferencing, grammar will be nouns, vocabulary will be synonyms, and spelling will be compound words.  The students are doing much better with writing their reading logs!  Keep up the hard work on this.  We will be starting a mini-research project on Snakes using the Big 6 as a plan for research.  We are going to be working on QAR and 7 Keys to Comprehension as well!  This will really let us know what our students understand while they are reading.

Math--Mrs. Lucht, Ms. Love, Mrs. Dyer  
November Newsletter
Dear Parents, We have just completed a unit on division and completed
our testing. We will continue to review over the year.  Our new unit
is on decimals.  Do not forget the internet site to get help with Go
Math.  Also, your child would benefit from math club on Tuesdays and
Wednesday mornings at 7:25.  We practice math that we have covered and
go over homework and eat donuts.  Not a bad deal, huh?  Please contact
me at school with any concerns.  The students have daily homework in
math and do have some time at school to complete it.  They can finish
it at home.  Also, it would be great to help your child review math
facts by playing math fact games on computer or just flash cards.
Thank you for your support.
I wanted to thank all the parents who helped with Pumpkin Math and
really made it a success for us.  We covered many math concepts that
day. Sincerely, Mrs. Lucht

Science-Social Studies--Mr. Haight, Ms. Love, Ms. Dyer

Science - We are working on the classification system.  We are finishing up vertebrates and will be starting invertebrates, fungi, and plants.

Social Studies - We are beginning European exploration.  We will mainly be focusing on the exploration and colonization of America.