Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February Newsletter

Pleasant Hill Intermediate School
1204 E. 163rd Street
Pleasant Hill, MO  64080
February 2012

Important Dates

Feb. 3-Mid-Term

Feb. 15-IS Musical Matinee

Feb. 16-18-IS Musical

Feb. 20-No School-President’s Day

Feb. 21- No School-Professional Development

Feb. 23-Band Instrument Night for next year's 6th graders, 6:30-8:30pm

Feb. 29-MS Musical Matinee

March 2-3 Hr. Early Release-Professional

March 8-End of Quarter

March 9-3 Hr. Early Release-Teacher Workday

March 11-Daylight Savings Time

March 13-6th Grade Enrollment for Middle School

Important Dates, Continued

March 15-Spring Pictures

Mar. 16-IS Band Performance, at PAC, 6:30-7:30pm

March 21 -High School Band Preforms 8:15am

March 22-5th Grade Elective Enrollment Sent Home.

April 6-10-Spring Break


           5B TEAM NEWSLETTER  


Fun and Games at the Winter Program

Rooster Time for January:  In Mrs. Lucht’s class, we are doing a literature circle with the story Ben and Me.  It is a story about Ben Franklin and we are doing witty wordsearcher, lively leader, illustrious illustrator, checker, and decorative describer.  The students are doing a great job.

In Mrs. Murray’s class, we are finishing up our group books and will begin a class set and be working on literature circle activities.  

In Mr. Haight’s class, we are reading our literature set books.  We will continue doing so.  

Planners:  Planners are a great organizational tool for students and a great communication tool for parents. Students are expected to fill out their planner in each core class daily (listing assignments, due dates etc.) and take them home daily. Teachers will sign planners for each class and sometimes may write an important note. We will do periodic planner checks throughout the year spot checking to see if planners are being utilized in this manner. Students may receive a small reward for having a filled out and signed planner (signed by the teacher). Parents are not required to sign planners.

AR/AM Students will need 10 AR points for the quarter and 5 AM tests.  To help your student pace these out, we suggest 1-2 points a week and 1 AM test a week to get the points at an even pace, instead of rushing at the very end of the quarter.  This helps promote good planning ahead skills.  The students may do AM practice at home at the Renaissance Learning website.  If you still need more information about this, contact Mrs. Murray.  She is heading up this information.

Science-Social Studies--Mr. Haight

Social Studies -- In social studies, Monday, February 6 we will be taking our chapter 9 test over the events leading up to the Revolutionary War.  We will then be studying the Revolutionary war, paying particular attention to the key battles of Trenton, Saratoga, and Yorktown.  We will also be looking at important people of the Revolutionary War.  

Science- In science we will be taking a test over chapter 13 over Motions and Forces, on Thursday, February 2nd.  We will be starting a project of designing an amusement park ride illustrating the forces and motions we have learned in chapter 13.  Mr. Haight will provide materials for that.  

Math--Mrs. Lucht
In math, the students will be working on graphing and data.  We are learning mean, median, mode, and range.  The students created a circle graph of how they spent their 24 hour day.  We also created a double bar graph comparing boys and girls and their favorite blizzards from DQ.  Just a reminder that the students need 5 AM tests this quarter and we are somewhat behind.  We are doing AM and going over homework in Math Club on Tuesdays and Wednesdays mornings at 7:25 a.m.  There is also homework club on Thursdays after school at 3:30-4:30.  If you want to do AM practices at home, you may contact Mrs. Murray and we will help you be able to do that. Please contact me about any concerns or questions.  Thank you for all your support.  Mrs. Lucht

Communication Arts--Mrs. Murray
In communication arts, we are finishing up the week on Author’s purpose.  The students just learned a new strategy called the 4 R’s of reflective thinking and Generating Hypothesis while predicting.  They loved this!  We are still working very hard on before, during and after reading skills!  The next few weeks we will continue to work on various types of pronouns.  The students should continue to bring their AR books to class.  Also, it may be the time of the year to replenish pencils and pens, as we are writing TONS in class.

Ms. Love’s News--
Communication Arts:

Students are working on discovering universal themes in literature. They are analyzing the writing and making connection to their own experiences.   Students are also practicing writing conventions.  They are working capitalization, subject/verb agreement, and verb tense.

Students are working very hard, preforming all operations with fractions, decimals,  and percents.  They will begin discovering Ratios, Rates, Proportions, and Percents.  They will learn to how it applies to the real world in the form of interest, discounts, and taxes.

Mrs. Meyer’s News--
We are currently working on a big project in Communication Arts. We are researching and taking notes on famous people who have or were believed to have disabilities. Students will write a report about their person and make a Glogster (a computer created poster) about their person. These will be shared with the class in an oral presentation. We are halfway through the quarter so it is time to check the AR points and the AM tests to be sure we are on track.
In math we have been working on fractions, decimals, multiplication, division, geometry, and graphing. We will be focusing on word problems and analyzing data in the near future.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January Newsletter

Pleasant Hill Intermediate School
1204 E. 163rd Street
Pleasant Hill, MO  64080
January 2012

Important Dates

Jan 4-Students Return

Jan 16-No School, Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday

Jan 24-District Spelling Bee


           5B TEAM NEWSLETTER  


Rooster Time for January:
We will begin our next round of books for small group reading.  We will also be focusing on fractions, decimals, simplifying fractions, adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators in focus group time on Wednesday and Thursday’s.  We are also looking for parents to come and help with our small reading groups during rooster time.  Feel free to contact us to help with this fun time.
School and Class Expectations:
We have been working with the students on school wide and classroom expectations.  Some students still need some general reminders about having all of their materials prepared for class and for turning their voices off during class and in the lunch room.  We are still working very hard on traveling to and from lunch.  Some students are still needing extra encouragement when it comes to lunch room behaviors, such as pushing in chairs and cleaning up their areas.  It is encouraged to discuss these positive behaviors at home!  

Planners:  Planners are a great organizational tool for students and a great communication tool for parents. Students are expected to fill out their planner in each core class daily (listing assignments, due dates etc.) and take them home daily. Teachers will sign planners for each class and sometimes may write an important note. We will do periodic planner checks throughout the year spot checking to see if planners are being utilized in this manner. Students may receive a small reward for having a filled out and signed planner (signed by the teacher). Parents are not required to sign planners.

AR/AM Students will need 10 AR points for the quarter and 5 AM tests.  To help your student pace these out, we suggest 1-2 points a week and 1 AM test a week to get the points at an even pace, instead of rushing at the very end of the quarter.  This helps promote good planning ahead skills.  The students may do AM practice at home at the Renaissance Learning website.  If you still need more information about this, contact Mrs. Murray.  She is heading up this information.

Science-Social Studies--Mr. Haight

Social Studies --  We are studying the original thirteen colonies.  We are looking at their economies, geographies, and lifestyles.  We will also be studying the French and Indian War.
Science --  We will begin studying motion and how it is affected by gravity, friction, inertia, mass, and force.  We will be looking at Newton’s laws of motion and simple machines.

Math--Mrs. Lucht
Happy New Year!!  We start 2012 with lots of energy
and excitement for what we will be learning in math this year.  We are
starting out working on adding and subtracting fractions.  We are
working on mastering common denominators and simplifying fractions.
Please remember the extra math support of math club on Tuesday and
Wednesday mornings at 7:25 a.m.  Also, we have homework club on
Thursday after school from 3:30 p.m.-4:30p.m.  Remember that we start
over for third quarter and the students need 5 Accelerated Math tests
for this quarter.  They do not carry over.  You may take practices at
home so your child will mostly take tests here.  Thanks for all your
support and I look forward to working with you for the New Year.
Sincerely, Mrs. Lucht

Communication Arts--Mrs. Murray
Our first week back is a short week, therefore we will be doing a quick what I learned last year!! Also the students will be writing about goals.  The following 2 weeks will be spent on Week 4 and Week 5 of Unit 3.  The week of January 16, we will read Zathura.  The students will be creating a game board that week.  I will be sending home an email with the scoring guide and expectations for this.  We will also begin using our MAP practice books.  We will be doing these as bellwork and the students will be given a grade for them.  This is to let them know how important this work is, and that we want to be super prepared for the actual MAP test in April.    

Ms. Love’s News--
Communication Arts:   Student's focus over the next month will include several areas of concern based upon current Discovery Education scores.  In reviewing the data, making connections and literary techniques were areas of great concern.  We will be working to develop skills.  

Math:   Student's focus over the next month will include one area of concern based upon current Discovery Education scores.   In reviewing the data, our focus will be data and probability.  We will also working on fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers

Mrs. Meyer’s News--
   In January, Mrs. Meyer's class will be doing a unit on the life
of Martin Luther King, Jr. which will include reading and writing
activities. We will work on story elements and making inferences.
Students will be writing paragraphs to summarize information they have
read in preparation for a big project which we will do late January or
early February.
   For math, we will work on measurement, fractions, decimals,
multiplication and division. It is important that students practice
their multiplication and division facts. The are numerous games on
www.multiplication.com that can help with learning the facts.