Monday, August 15, 2011

Welcome Back Blog for August

Important Dates

August 16: First Day of School
August 25: PICTURE DAY

Sept. 2 & 5: No School (Labor Day Weekend)

Sept. 7:  PTO Fundraiser Kickoff

Sept. 16: 3 Hour Early Release (Professional Development)
Oct. 4:  Picture Retakes

Oct. 7: 3 Hour Early Release (Homecoming)

Oct. 11:  5th Grade PTO Performance

Oct. 14: 3 Hour Early Release (work day); End of 1st Quarter

Oct. 18 & 19: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Rooster Time for this Week:
We will be going over the student handbook with our rooster time classes this week.  This is another way to communicate with how important the routines and expectations are for our school and 5th grade classes.  On Monday, August 22, the students will take a handbook quiz and the classroom with 100% first will be awarded a popcorn party.    We will also be reading the book Don’t Feed the Bully.  When the students meet with Mrs. Bermel for guidance she will also integrate some activities on bully prevention.  

Conference Sign-ups:
If you were unable to attend meet the teacher night, please contact Mrs. Murray either by phone or email so that we can sign you and your student up for parent teacher conferences.  

Planners:  Planners are a great organizational tool for students and a great communication tool for parents. Students are expected to fill out their planner in each core class daily (listing assignments, due dates etc.) and take them home daily. Teachers will sign planners for each class and sometimes may write an important note. We will do periodic planner checks throughout the year spot checking to see if planners are being utilized in this manner. Students may receive a small reward for having a filled out and signed planner (signed by the teacher). Parents are not required to sign planners.

Science-Social Studies--Mr. Haight
Social Studies ------
Social Studies:  We will begin with the elements of geography such as human and physical systems, place and regions, environment, etc.  Then we will begin our study on Native Americans.  This will culminate in a power point presentation on a Native American group by each student.

Science -----
Science:  We will begin the year with life processes and classification.  This will include organisms classified by kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

Math--Mrs. Lucht
Welcome to Team B Math, Mrs. Lucht.  I so look forward to teaching math to your
child.  We will have a great year together.  There are many facets of math that we
do here in Intermediate School.  Most of you received a letter explaining Accelerated
Math and that we expect the students to do five tests a quarter.  This is done on the
computer and the student works at their individual speed.  We also will be doing learning centers
which include geometry, measurement, data and probability, algebraic expressions,
numbers and operations,  and fractions, decimals, percents. On Fridays, we will be doing learning
centers and they will rotate through 6 activities.  In math class, we will also do hands on
projects which would include foldables, pumpkin math, graphs that have to do with real
life data, etc.  My bellwork will be a story problem that the students will solve together.
Homework will be marked in the student's planner when assigned.  Your student will have
a Saxon math book checked out and we will use it periodically.  This will be a resource
used with other assignments.  Please let us know if you have any questions.  I look forward
to working with each of you this year.  Sincerely,Mrs. Joy Lucht  

Communication Arts--Mrs. Murray
Welcome to Communication Arts.  The next couple of weeks we will be getting used to the routine of our classroom.  We will be reading Mrs. Alaineus, A Vocabulary Disaster.  This story is a humorous, realistic fiction story that gets the students acquainted with how character and plot work together to create a hilarious story.  We will be working on vocabulary, how homework works, grammar and writing a good paragraph using topic sentence, supporting details and closing.  Students will also begin using the small readers to develop a better understanding of character and plot.  We will also be doing some cooperative learning activities to become familiar with each other.  This will be an awesome year!  Looking forward to meeting you all!
Rebecca Murray

Ms. Love’s News---
Love's Classroom News
 I would like to welcome all back to an exciting new year.  I'm looking forward to working with each and everyone of you.  
 This year student's will earn rewards throughout the day for positive choices made.  Rewards include technology use, games, snacks, drinks, etc.  This will be on on going list to promote self control and respect for self and others.  Parents please feel free to donate any items that would be exciting to earn as a reward.  
 This will be an exciting year.  We have a new teaching assistant in our room Mrs. Cotter.  She is a local to Pleasant Hill.  She has a child entering kindergarten and a senior in high school.  
 Please feel free to contact me via e-mail or phone. Again, I am looking forward to working with all of you.
Veronica L. Love
816-540-3156 ext.3502

Mrs. Meyer’s News-
The first week of school Mrs. Meyer's class will be getting to know our new school and teachers, and of course, learning rules and procedures. In Communication Arts, I will be starting with sentence writing, parts of speech, vocabulary development, and identifying story elements. In math, we will work on a variety of skills and will learn a new one each class. I am looking forward to working with my new students.